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April 10, 2017


After trying to figure out how to fix the previous problems I had with the app, I finally was able to make both the Log-In page and donate buttons work on all Android phones. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to make the app work for Apple products since when I tried to package the file needed to upload the app into the app stare, it would fail everytime. I searched for various solutions oline, but none of them seemed to work, so i had no choice to have the app work just for Android. However, at this point I was finally finished with my project and had successfully published a working app. 


In the future, there are various improvements I could implement. First and one of the most important is to have the app working on Apple phones, this way the app could reach even more users. Second, would be improving the profile portion of the app which only displays the E-mail of users. This would create a more user friendly environment and add a secondary purpose for having a Log-In form. Users could potentially see how many donations they have made as well as add more user profile information. The last improvement could be adding  different ways to donate since most NGOs don't have Paypal donations. This could be through bank transactions or websites similar to Paypal. 



Journal #10- FInal Version of the App and Potential IMprovements

Journal #8- Publishing the App


March 10, 2017 


Once I had finished adding and testing Firebase with Visual Studio I was finally ready to publish my app on both the Google Play Store and Apple App Store. Using the developer account of the school, I added the description of the app and uploaded the APK file which I packaged using Visual Studio. I didn't change the icons or added a splash screen of the app since this was more of a test for the app in order to check how the app would look on different types and sizes of Android phones. The app came out with some errors of the design in some phones, specially on phones with smaller screens since when I could code the app I would test how it looked on a larger screen phone. Additionally, I had issues trying to Log In through the app, an issue that wasn't there when I used it ion Visual Studio.  


When I saw these errors, I decided to update the app without the Log In screen since I wasn't able to see how the other pages looked due to not being able to log-in. Unfortunately, I faced another problem with the donation button. Everytime I tried to donate to any NGO an error would occur and the app would crash. I wasn't sure what was the cause of all of these issues, but at this point I knew I would have to fix them as soon as possible in order to have a final version of the app for both platforms since the due dates were approaching fast. The first step I would take to find a solution would be to research for similar outcomes online or to ask for help to both my mentor and advisor. 


Journal #6- Time Issues and Serivice Project

December 15, 2016


Up until now, I haven’t been able to make any progress on the application. Throughout this month and the previous month I’ve tried to learn SQL, but haven't been able to acquire the necessary information to create a login form. I also haven't been able to meet with Belen due to time issues and lack of work on the project. In order to avoid unnecessary meetings, I contacted Belen to inform her that I had been having time issues due to college applications and upcoming finals and that I would contact her once I had been able to make progress on the app.


Furthermore, before continuing on the project I need to find a new service project since I had been informed that my previous service project wasn’t going to result. Originally, I thought of presenting at the STEM fair, but I wasn’t going to be able to have the project ready by that date.   Up until know, I am only concerned about time, I don’t know if I have enough time to fully finish the app and use it for a service project. I have come across many factors that have caused me to lose crucial time. The two options I have for my service project are to either find a foundation that is willing to cooperate with my app and collect donations for this foundation or to volunteer at a foundation and at the same time spread the advertise my app so that Ecuadorians are aware of my app. This way I would be volunteering and at the same time creating potential donations for that foundation. At this point, it was clear that I would have to start acting fast so that my project could succeed.

Journal #4- Adding More Features to the App



October 1, 2016


Over the past month I have been able to meet with my mentor twice where we discussed possible features the app could include. Our meetings ranged from 2-3 hours. Maria Belen assigned me various research topics to look up such as adding sign up forms and adding paypal buttons.  Creating the design of the Log In/Sign Up form was easier than expected now that I have had more experience with coding. The purpose of adding this feature is so that users of the app could confidently know that their information would be secured and not revealed to others. By giving users to accessibility of creating account, I could also keep statistics of how many donations the app is producing and users could also have separate profiles for themselves.  


The only issues I faced were the internal functions of the Log-In/Sign-Up feature. A Log-In form is typically made using SQL databases, something I had no idea how to make. I research alternatives of making this form, but all I could find were websites that suggested making the form using SQL.  Apart from making the LogIn form, I also had to make my own Paypal business account that I could use to make transactions from foundation to foundation. I was still unaware of how to make the button, but at least I was getting closer to creating it. At this point it was clear I needed to learn  how to make databases and link them to the code of my app in order to make a functioning form.

Journal #2-Learning how to Code and Editing the application

September 1,2016



Throughout the following months, I began to learn HTML, CSS, and Javascript with the help of the websites w3schools and codecademy. There were so many aspects that I had never learned, expanding my knowledge in adding animations to my app and improving and creating a more clean design to the app as a whole. At first, learning these languages was a burden, but as time went by I managed to get the hang of coding taking about 20 hours to complete both courses. Using the skills I had just acquired, the design of the App took a big change as seen on the pictures, looking more like a professional application instead of a mediocre one. The home page for the app took me a few days to make as I couldn’t decide on how I wanted it designed, but at the end I decided to go with what was seen above.


At this point, I continued to design as much of the app as I could, adding more and more pages to the application. A key component of the app was the amount of foundations I would place. At first I thought of adding a complete list of foundations in Ecuador, but then decided to lower it down to just Guayaquil. When I began researching for foundations in Guayaquil I could barely find a list of 50 foundations, so instead I chose the one’s that I would be able to easily contact, making a total of 20. Even though I started to progress faster in my app by now going from developing a page in 2 hours to about an hour, it was clear that I needed outside help from a professional that could help me in the more advanced parts of my application. This included adding a feature so that users could donate to a specific foundation and other areas as well.


Project and Service



June 25, 2016


Before summer began, I had set a goal to completely finish my phone application throughout summer in order to focus on the service portion of my project. I began researching for programs that I could use in order to create the app. At first I struggled to locate any applications that allowed me to create in a single format an application for Android and Apple. Thankfully with the help of my advisor, I was able to find a program called Microsoft Visual Studio. Through the use of simple coding languages like HTML, CSS, and Javascript I would be able to create an app that could function in both the Apple Store and Google Play.


Prior to the start of the project, I had some experience with both HTML and CSS, but didn’t have the required knowledge to actually create a well designed application. At first I attempted to use Visual Studio through trial and error, looking at what worked and what didn’t. When I was able to somewhat understand how to use Visual Studio I began coding a home page of that app with the knowledge I already had. The image to the right shows what I was able to come up with in about two hours. At this point, it was clear I needed to focus on mastering the three coding languages in order to obtain the best result and design for my application. I could either learn by myself online or find a mentor that could help me.  Even though my first attempt was a failure, I was still excited on what was to come as I had many ideas in mind of how the application was going to turn out.






September 20, 2016


In order to find a mentor I met with Mr. Sarmiento to see if he had any contacts he could give to me that could help me with my project. Luckily, he had someone that worked specifically with Microsoft Visual Studio that could aid me with the issues I was having in my application. I contacted Ms. Maria Belen Frias and managed to settle our first meeting were I would explain my project and see if she could help me in any way. After having explained my project and what I needed help on, that meeting had to be postponed due to issues with Visual Studio. I couldn't open the program since it was requesting a licence which I did not have. In order to get the liscense I had to pay for a subscription to completely access the software, something I wanted to avoid.


As the days passed, I decided to link my microsoft account to the program and see if it allowed me to use it since Visual Studio is a program made by microsoft. Luckily, adding my account gave me access to the program and I could continue coding the app. I set up another meeting with my mentor, but decided that I should attempt to make some progress before the meeting. At this point  the next step was to add a feature so that users could donate to a specific foundation. I immediately reached a stop as I could not figure out how to create this part of the app. I did, however, create a base design for every page of a foundation so that I would just have to add the specific feature in order to save time in the next meeting with my mentor.



October 30, 2016


While researching ways to add the features previously mentioned, I decided to change the design of the app. I didn’t feel the current design I had was the most optimum, and by changing the colors the app could have a unique design. Initially I based my design on a app called ShareTheMeal. This mobile app had similar colors to the ones I used and was created for a Non-Profit Organization for feeding Children in Africa. I had used the same colors since I thought it the colors they had uses created a nice contrast between the information, but as I became more experienced with mobile apps I wanted to create a distinct design. I went with the colors orange for the header, yellow for buttons, and contrasting light grey and white backgrounds. Changing the design of the app took an extensive amount of time(5 hours) as I had to change every CSS document for every page, however after seeing the result it ha been worth it.


Regarding the features I wanted to previously add, learning SQL was tougher than I thought it was going to be. At first I sought to learn through youtube videos, but yet again decided to use codecademy due to lack of good tutorials. I was having trouble learning this language, but it is necessary for my app. I was also able to find a feature that paypal themselves provide to their users that creates buttons for websites. I would just have to input the information for the button and paypal would provide the necessary code. At this point of my project I knew I was getting closer to developing a complete app and was excited for the future outcomes, but was worried that I wouldn’t be able to learn SQL.

February 10, 2017


After a month now, I managed to resume work on the app. After failing to learn SQL, I recently had learned about a program called Firebase which allows you to create databases for your website or apps. I quickly learned a bit about the page and fund that there is an specific area just for User Authentication which was exactly what I needed for the Log In Form. The page additionally gave you the HTML code to add the Firebase files to your app. All I had to do now was change the design of the code and fit the Log In form to the needs of the App. This would easily solve the problems I have been having and I would be able to publish the app sooner. However, editing the design and functionality of the form took longer than expected, as I had to change most of the code since the original HTML code was meant to be used for a web page instead of an application. This process took about almost daily work of 2 hours in the span of three weeks, as I researched and implemented ways to design the Log-In form. 


Besides starting to work on the App I also started looking for a potential NGO I could work with in order to volunteer at and focus my donations of the App on. I talked to one of my friends whose mom, Diana Perez, is a head volunteer at "Niños  con Futuro". I asked if he could put me in contact with her or ask if there was any chance I could volunteer at the foundation and as well if there was someway I could implement my app. At this point, if I managed to successfully work together with "Niños  con Futuro" my service project could be successful and I would be able to use my app to accomplish my service.









March 20, 2017


For the service portion of my project, I went to the "Niños Con Futuro" school to volunteer and help in any way possible. The purpose of "Niños con Futuro" is to rescue children and teenagers in risk and their families promoting projects, facilitating the resources and the essential teachings for their mental development. At the campus of the school, I participated in a few of the classes and presented/taught basic information on technology. The children were excited to learn about technology since it was out of their typical learning topics. I spent about 2 hours at the school as I could only participate in some of the classes at the school.


Besides volunteering at the foundation, I also manged to collect donations for this specific foundation using the app I created. Through Paypal donations, users were able to donate to "Niños Con Futuro" succesfully. At this point, I would now be able to focus on improving my project and add or fix and errors it had before.



Journal #5- CHanging The design of the App and LEarning SQL

Journal #7- Resuming work on the App and Finding an NGO Partner

Journal #1- Beginning to learn how to make an ApPlication

Journal #3- Meeting With My Mentor and Issues with the App

Journal #9- Volunteering at Niños con Futuro and Collecting Donations

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